My Services

Somatic Yoga Therapy
Somatic Yoga Therapy is an integrative approach to your health and wellness. It is a holistic model that combines a variety of therapies to help you feel your best. The somatic yoga therapies that can benefit your health are; meditation, pranayama, movement, such as yoga, or any other physical activity, nutrition, herbal remedies, and energy work.
In Meditation you learn awareness, and to experience or notice different sensations in your body. Pranayama is the most important therapy that teaches you breathing techniques. Learning to utilize your breath will have amazing affects improving your overall health as well as improving all systems and organs in your body. It is the thread that flows through all combination of therapies. Movements such as the yoga asanas or any physical activity gets blood moving and has tremendous benefits. By using nutritious foods and herbal remedies you can optimize your bodies wellness and feel better. You can also use Energy work that is a gentle hands on healing to help move stagnant energy in the somatic body. Each therapy is offered in a combination or can be offered separately in a private session.

Learn to calm the mind, relax the brain, and ease the nervous system. Become aware of your thought patterns. Replenish with inner peace.
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Energy Work
Gentle energy work that will facilitate your healing process in both body and spirit
Healing circles: These are a gathering of your loved ones who care about you and want to help. Let them direct their love and attention bringing you peace, relaxation, a sense of well being and connectedness. Available to lead healing circles.

Find your enthusiasm in how to get your body to move, learn to align, refine, build stability and strength using your breath.
“The quality of your breath determines the quality of your life. The quality of your life determines the quality of your breath. ”

Health at every age and size. Learn which foods nourish your body type. Uncover your thoughts about your food and nutritional practices by exploring your habits. Learn to eat intuitively
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~ Hippocrates

Divine Herbal Remedies
Gentle nutritious remedies offered to cleanse, restore and nourish your body type. ‘Teas, tinctures, salves, and silky smooth lotion and oils available